Creative Crispr

A biotechnology course for artists and the general public


The CRISPR Course is an educational module for artists and the general public who are interested in genetic engineering and want to explore CRISPR-Cas9 technologies in a creative context. No prior knowledge about biology or experience in the lab is needed to participate. This pilot course was developed during Hybrid Lab Network activities, and it was tested with students, teachers, and people from different countries and backgrounds.


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About the course and requirements

The CRISPR Course is an educational module for artists and the general public who are interested in genetic engineering and want to explore CRISPR-Cas9 technologies in a creative context. No prior knowledge about biology or experience in the lab is needed to participate. This pilot course was developed during Hybrid Lab Network activities, and it was tested with students, teachers, and people from different countries and backgrounds.

The Hybrid Lab Network is a multidisciplinary experimentation project with participants from arts, science and humanities backgrounds from 4 countries: i3S in Porto, University of Aalto in Helsinki, Alma Mater Europea in Ljubljana and Waag in Amsterdam. The Hybrid Lab Network builds STEAM (Science, Technology, Arts and Math) education tools around CRISPR-Cas9 mediated genetic engineering for different target groups to teach knowledge and skills but also to promote discussion and critical thinking regarding this emerging biotechnology.

CRISPR-Cas9 is a genetic modification tool that has revolutionized biological sciences, medicine and the development of biotechnological products, but it is also catching the attention of different fields. The difference with earlier gene editing tools compared to CRISPR-Cas9 is the specificity, ease of use and broad application of its uses.The importance of this genome editing technique was recognized by the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2020 which was awarded to Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna. However, the skills and knowledge necessary to develop new applications for CRISPR are confined to a small group of people with molecular biology backgrounds and access to expensive biolabs. In order to have a more diverse discussion about its applications and possible creative uses, the knowledge and labskills required should be shared with a broader audience. Therefore, this course teaches people without a biology or technological background about the basics of genetics, how CRISPR-Cas9 works and how to use a lab to apply this technique in practice. Furthermore, we will explore ways how this technique could be applied in the future to have a more diverse and informed discussion on these new gene editing technologies.

The CRISPR Course is developed as a pilot course for people without a biology or technological background who are interested in exploring CRISPR-Cas9 technologies in a multidisciplinary context including art, design and biology. It is a combination of lectures, workshops and laboratory practicals to provide a basic understanding of the CRISPR-Cas9 System and discussion of potential applications and further exploration of the theme. This course does not require prior knowledge or skills in biotechnology. Supervision and guidance should be given by expert instructors in the field to ensure a correct understanding of the theoretical concepts and to support the hands-on activities, especially the biotechnology techniques related to gene editing. The provided lectures can be used as a start to explore the topics. Basic lab equipment and supplies for molecular biology practical work are needed, a list of materials and minimum hardware needed for the practical work is provided with possible suppliers. Lastly, the instructional guide for the practical sessions with preparation activities is provided to implement this course to their own environment.

Course description

1. Objectives

The CRISPR Course aims to promote a broader understanding of this novel gene editing tool by teaching practical lab skills, conceptual knowledge and providing a critical learning environment. After learning about the technological, ethical and artistic possibilities and limitations of CRISPR-Cas9, the students can participate in the broader public discussion on genetic engineering. This STEAM module for non-formal education is a multi-disciplinary tool to explain the core concepts of CRISPR-Cas9 through an art & science approach, addressing connections between the artistic approach and core biological concepts. It aims to equip the students with the ability to understand complex biological mechanisms through different creative applications. The course combines several STEAM subjects, hands-on molecular biology lab skills are combined with critical and creative thinking together with collaboration, reflection and communication methods to develop and conceptualise new ideas with CRISPR-Cas9 as a tool.

The following general objectives can be listed:

2. Learning outcomes & competences

3. Objectives per topic




Genetic Modification

Personal Project

4. Teaching methods & learning activities

The classes of this course will be a mix of theoretical and practical classes with assignments and a final project.  


Interactive workshops

Personal project guidance

Course structure

This pilot course was designed to allow you to adapt it to your context (country, education level, field of study, available equipment and experts) and so doesn’t have a rigid structure. Instead, we propose a structure of 5 topics with multiple modules in them. These modules are all 4 hours long and are built up with different teaching activities. These 5 topics are designed to be followed in order to build upon earlier acquired knowledge on biotechnological subjects. You could follow all the modules per topic or just pick one or two that best suits your learning goals and material limitations. Below you can find a general organisation of topics:

You can easily adapt the program to your personal needs and possibilities by picking and choosing from the modules below. There is a time estimation given and the type of activity. All modules are designed to interweave theoretical, practical, scientific and artistic contents and approaches. As long as you keep the topics 1-5 in that order, you can pick which modules you want to combine or leave out to make a custom program tailored to your audience.

There are multiple types of learning events, with different types of student autonomy and required materials. The modules are built up from less to more autonomy.

Material requirements: A Computer Practical requires a pc or laptop for the student, a lab practical needs a lab or place to work cleanly with biological materials. For the required materials for the educator, please see the Materials section for this module.

Please keep in mind that everybody participating in a Lab Practical must have done a BioSafety Instruction. Also, the basic lab practices would be highly recommended to finish the Lab Practicals in the required time.

1. Introduction: The lab as a creative space

1.1) Introduction of bioart and the lab as a creative instrument |4h|

1.2 ) Documenting and sharing your progress with the community |4h|

1.3) Biosafety and basic lab practices |4h| *Obligatory*

2. Hardware: Making your lab *optional*

2.1) What is a lab? |2h|

2.2) Dissecting biological laboratory equipment |4h|

2.3) Your Open Source lab |4h|

2.4) Making the Heated Magnetic Stirrer |4h| Assignment

3. Wetware: Growing in your lab

3.1) Working with living materials |2h|

3.2) Colouring with Bacteria |4h|

3.3) Growing Mycelium |4h|

3.4) Growing Kombucha |4h|

4. Genetic engineering: Creative CRISPR

4.1) Introduction to Genetic Engineering |4h|

4.2) CRISPR Futures |4h|

4.3) Bacterial Produce |4h|

4.4) Digital DNA Design |4h|

4.5) CRISPR in Action |8h|

5. Personal Project


Material Amount for 1 unit Link Cost estimate
1. Introduction: The lab as a creative space
Petri dishes -
Solid growth medium LB broth vos € 213,08
Agarose vos € 169,78
2. Hardware: Making your lab (optional)
Scrap lab hardware (e.g., spectrometer) Labmakelaar -
Fiber Spectrometer Kit Gaudi Labs € 69,95
DIY Pocket PCR 1 Gaudi Labs € 99,00
Multiplex (3mm) 0,25m2 Hornbach € 3,00
M3 nuts and bolts -
Superglue -
80 mm Fan 1 Farnell, EOO € 6,98
Permanent magnets 2x 2 Supermagnete € 1,96
Potentiometer 100 ohm 2W 1 Farnell, RS Online € 5,23
Power switch 4x 4 Farnell, iPrototype € 4,96
DC power jack 1 Farnell, EOO € 0,50
7.5 W power supply (1000mA) 1 AlleKabels € 9,56
Red LED 1 Farnell, EOO € 0,25
470 ohm resistor 1 Farnell, EOO € 0,15
Magnetic stirring rod 2x 2 Vos Instrumenten € 2,29
Rubber feet 4x 4 Conrad € 0,32
Heating foil 1 Sparkfun, Conrad € 19,41
10 Ohm 15W Power resistors 3x 3 Farnell € 10,09
metal plate circle, 0,5mm thick, diameter 82mm / 75mm 1 Deurbeslag, combicraft € 6,23
3. Wetware: Growing in your lab
Janthinobacterium lividum BCCM € 125,00
Solid growth medium LB broth vos € 213,08
Agarose vos € 169,78
Peptone vos € 34,22
Yeast extract Thermofisher, Merck € 18,27
NaCl -
Oyster Mushroom brood
Ziplock bags 10-20L
Malt extract brouwstore € 12,70
Slime Mold 10x Carolina
Kombucha Scoby -
GFP ecoli kit BioRad € 147,62
GFP isolation kit BioRad € 183,92
4. Genetic engineering: Creative CRISPR
Synthesis of single guide RNA (sgRNA):
100 ng/μL sgRNA template (sgHL3 template or sgHL4 template); -
Nuclease-free H2O (i.e. DNase- and RNase- free water); Thermofisher, Merck € 128,26
5x Transcription Buffer; -
50mM DTT (Thermo Scientific) (Dithiothreitol protects T7 polymerase against protein oxidation); -
NTP mix (mix of ribonucleosides, at 20 mM each); -
40 U/μL NZYRibonuclease Inhibitor (nzytech); -
20 U/µL T7 RNA polymerase (Thermo Scientific); -
1 U/µL DNaseI (Thermo Scientific); -
Purification of sgRNA:
Quick-RNA™ Microprep Kit (; Baseclear free sample -
Agarose Gel Electrophoresis:
1x TAE (Tris-acetate-EDTA) solution; TAE Buffer (Tris-acetate-EDTA) (50X) vos, Merck € 30,48
SYBR™ Safe DNA Gel Stain /(EthBr if not available) Thermofisher, Merck € 104,00
DNA Loading Dye Thermofisher, Merck € 41,49
250bp DNA Ladder Thermofisher, Merck € 113,00
In vitro cleavage of DNA using CRISPR/Cas9:
10x Reaction Buffer; -
10x BSA (10% BSA) 1.5 -
Synthetized sgRNA (sgHL3 or sgHL4); -
500 ng/μL Cas9 protein; -
100 ng/μL Target DNA (698bp fragment containing the target site); -
20 mg/ml Proteinase K; -
Estimate total € 1.944,57